Become independant

Thanks to the pac course

the PAC course

The P.A.C. course (Progression Accompagnée en Chute), supervised by State-certified instructors, teaches the basic techniques of free-fall and canopy navigation to a beginner, thanks to 6 accompanied jumps at an altitude of 4000 metres.


Each jump is supervised by one or two instructors, who "correct" you directly with signs and ensure your safety. Each stage is adapted to your level. As you progress through the jumps, you'll learn how to evolve in this new environment.


At the end of this course, you'll have reached your first level of autonomy and can quickly achieve the Brevet A (5 additional jumps). We'll be with you every step of the way (A, B, B2, B4).

Description du stage PAC :
First of all, you take a one-day theory course. You will be shown the material and equipment required for jumps, learn how to navigate under canopy, the landing circuit and how to land, the programme for the first freefall jump and the position to adopt, incidents and solutions (emergency procedure).

For the first jump, you leave the plane at an altitude of 4,000 metres, supervised by 2 free-fall instructors (all instructors have a B.E.E.S.1 or B.P.J.E.P.S, a Jeunesse & Sports diploma, with the PAC qualification), who ensure your safety and communicate with you until your parachute opens. You then steer your canopy all the way to landing (with radio assistance).

From the second jump onwards, a single instructor will accompany you as you fall; he or she will check your position, correct you in live using agreed signs and gradually teach you how to evolve in this new environment. Each jump is debriefed with the help of a video of the fall, so that you can follow your progress in a personalised way.

After a minimum of 6 jumps with an instructor, you can make your first jump on your own!! The adventure is just beginning!

We offer packages 7 jumps (1 jump only) or  12 jumps (5 jumps alone) with support up to Brevet A.

Terms and conditions:
- You will need a medical certificate stating that you are not contraindicated in skydiving (download the medical certificate :
- Minimum age 15: parental authorisation for minors
- Weather: jumps are subject to current weather conditions.
- Equipment: Casual clothes and low sports shoes without hooks.
- Maximum weight: 90 kgs with good physical condition

Place of jumps placement :
Nous organisons les stages sur l’aérodrome de  Pau- Lasclaveries en Nouvelle-Aquitaine.

video pac training course

price of 7 jump course

7 jump course includes 6 jumps with instructor(s), personalised training, hire of all necessary equipment, a video montage of the course jumps, a logbook, packing lessons and a pair of goggles.

Stage PAC 7 sauts : 1190 € (excluding licence - insurance), including 6 jumps accompanied by the instructor(s) + 1 solo jump.

Prix du brevet a

PAC 12 jump course to obtain the patent A : 
1414 €  (excluding licence - insurance), including the 6 jumps accompanied by the instructor(s) + 5 solo jumps of which 1 video tracking jump.

Un saut individuel coûte 39  € .


Insurance is issued with a licence, via the FFP federation. You need to bring a medical certificate stating that you are not contra-indicated.

The price of insurance varies from 72 à 175 € depending on your age and the package you choose.
